PC Longplay [913] Haunt the House

評分4.1(11)Leavethedustyhallsofanabandonedclocktowertohauntyourwaythroughatowninthedeadofnight!Possessobjectswithyourghostlysoul,toscarepeople ...,評分5.0(2)Leavethedustyhallsofanabandonedclocktowertohauntyourwaythroughatowninthedeadofnight!Posse...。參考影片的文章的如下:


App Store 上的《Haunt the House: Terrortown》

評分 4.1 (11) Leave the dusty halls of an abandoned clock tower to haunt your way through a town in the dead of night! Possess objects with your ghostly soul, to scare people ...

在App Store 上的「Haunt the House: Terrortown」

評分 5.0 (2) Leave the dusty halls of an abandoned clock tower to haunt your way through a town in the dead of night! Possess objects with your ghostly soul, to scare people ...

【遊戲評測】Haunt the House: Terrortown《保衛鬼屋

玩家飾演小鬼,附身到建築裡的各項物件,以嚇跑人類為樂。遊戲玩法很簡單,附身到物件上並做出小動作,令人類漸漸不安,隨著緊張值越來越高,小鬼可以作出更 ...

[達人專欄] 解謎遊戲《Haunt the house: Terrortown》

遊戲官網附載PC版跟APP版連結。這是關於四隻搗蛋鬼分別在不同場景嚇跑人類的小故事(真的很P),玩家分別扮演四隻鬼進行遊戲關卡,說是RPG其實從頭到尾只能當 ...

[遊戲不亂報]可愛的小作祟:Haunt the House: Terrortown

非常可愛又有趣的遊戲,雖然遊戲短了點,算是可重複遊玩的休閒小品,遊戲操作簡單,一開始的鬼魂只能做些簡單的作祟把戲,但隨著恐怖氣氛增加,附身的物品能 ...

Haunt the House: Terrortown

評分 4.9 (5,162) 共有對象與幽靈般的靈魂,為了嚇唬人遠離博物館,醫院,劇院和遊輪。你將能夠嚇唬大家了,並回收丟失的記憶,晚上結束前? Android的電視支持加入!不需要一個手柄,你可以只用遙控 ...

Terrortown - Steam 社群:

Haunt the House: Terrortown - A side-scrolling action puzzle game starring ghosts ... 瀏覽並評價玩家自製的遊戲指南,或建立自己的指南並和社群分享您的訣竅 ...

Haunt the House: Terrortown

評分 4.5 (1,860) Haunt your way through town in the dead of night! Possess objects to scare people away from a museum, a hospital, a theatre and a cruise ship.

Haunt the House: Terrortown

評分 2.9 (109) Haunt the House: TerrortownHaunt the House: Terrort… 作者SFB Games · 2.9 顆 ... Haunt The House: Terrortown is a puzzle action game where you attempt to ...


評分4.1(11)Leavethedustyhallsofanabandonedclocktowertohauntyourwaythroughatowninthedeadofnight!Possessobjectswithyourghostlysoul,toscarepeople ...,評分5.0(2)Leavethedustyhallsofanabandonedclocktowertohauntyourwaythroughatowninthedeadofnight!Possessobjectswithyourghostlysoul,toscarepeople ...,玩家飾演小鬼,附身到建築裡的各項物件,以嚇跑人類為樂。遊戲玩法很簡單,附身到物件上並做出小動作,令人類...